17 March 2013 — Last weekend, our son Jyoti and I made play dough. Jyoti is 9 years old so play dough is not as exciting as it was when he was little, but he had the idea of creating a time lapse video with it. So, he invented a story and took pictures of a little monster escaping the stainless steel airtight container in which we had stored the play dough. I put together the movie, and here is the result.  Feel free to pass it around.

Play dough is a great tool for making a time lapse video, and if you want your play dough to last, make sure it is stored in an airtight container.  Here is a good homemade play dough recipe:

Basic ingredient ratios:
2 cups flour
2 cups warm water
1 cup salt
2 Tablespoons vegetable oil
1 Tablespoon cream of tartar (optional for improved elasticity)

Mix all these ingredients together in a saucepan on low heat until the play dough starts to detach from the sides of the saucepan.  Add food coloring if you wish.

Let us know what you thought of our little video.

Chantal Plamondon, Co-Owner