Nourishing Meals Without Plastic

Food. What you eat becomes you. Why not feed your body with nourishing meals? Nourishing for body, mind and soul. We’ve got just the cookbook for you… It’s an honour and deep pleasure for us to partner once again with popular food and health blogger Alissa Segerston and functional medicine expert Tom Malterre, the talented…

OneLessStraw toward One More Generation

This is a guest post written by the folks at One More Generation (OMG), a highly effective non-profit organization founded by Olivia and Carter Reis in 2009, when they were 7- and 8- years-old, respectively. They are both passionate about animals and conservation and their intention is to preserve all species for at least One More…

The Most Versatile Plastic-Free Ice Pack

Have you ever wondered what your ice pack contains? Especially the ice packs that are made of soft gels and encapsulated in a plastic bag… even though the label may say that the contents are non-toxic, they are still probably not consumable.  Not only that, but pretty much all of them are made of plastics…

Beat the Microbead in your Life & Community

Many of you have probably heard about the issue of plastic microbead pollution – we’ve certainly been talking about it for a long time. But you may have wondered what you can do about it. Well, there’s actually lots you can do, both at the individual and community level, to go #beadfree. First just a…

No Plastic Way to Keep Skin Cancer at Bay

My paternal grandmother was from Scotland, and although I have some Native American roots on my mom’s side, my skin pretty much looks like 100% of its genes come straight from the land of the kilt! My skin is fair, speckled with freckles and burns in the sun.  That’s right, there is pretty much no…

A Stainless Steel Mug With Many Personas

So it’s a stainless steel mug. What’s the big deal? First off, it is a big deal, because it’s a BIG mug. It holds 750 ml / 25 ounces, the equivalent of three cups of liquid.  That’s a lot of liquid. The Institute of Medicine recommended daily adequate intake of liquids is about 8 glasses of fluid…

Earth Day Plastic-Free Challenge

UPDATE (3 May 2016):  Scroll down to see our winner, and the other inspiring entries!* How about a challenge this Earth Day? We’re great believers in taking small steps toward big goals. Of course big steps toward big goals are great too, but small steps are more realistically attainable quickly, and definitely less daunting. That’s…