26 January 2011 — I have already discussed my reservations about microwave ovens and their links with cancer (see myolder post: Stainless Steel in Toaster Oven Prevents Aluminum Garnish on Burrito). However, many people find them extremely useful and they are a common feature at schools and office cafeterias. Fortunately, we have discovered a fantastic new line of products which allow you to re-heat your food in a microwave without worrying about plastic touching your food. These are borosilicate glass food containers that are heat and cold resistant. They can be used to warm up food in the oven, toaster oven, microwave oven and they can also store food in the freezer. They come with an 18-8 food grade stainless steel lid featuring an ingenious silicone seal system that allows you to create an airtight seal by pressing a button. To release the seal, the button just needs to be pulled up.plastic free container

These food containers were introduced just before christmas and they are getting extremely positive reviews. They have been popular over the holiday season and customers keep coming back for more.  We will introduce two new sizes in March so the line keeps growing backed by popular demand!

Chantal Plamondon, Co-Owner