Beat the Microbead in your Life & Community

Many of you have probably heard about the issue of plastic microbead pollution – we’ve certainly been talking about it for a long time. But you may have wondered what you can do about it. Well, there’s actually lots you can do, both at the individual and community level, to go #beadfree. First just a…

A Stainless Steel Mug With Many Personas

So it’s a stainless steel mug. What’s the big deal? First off, it is a big deal, because it’s a BIG mug. It holds 750 ml / 25 ounces, the equivalent of three cups of liquid.  That’s a lot of liquid. The Institute of Medicine recommended daily adequate intake of liquids is about 8 glasses of fluid…

World Water Day Without Plastic Water Bottles

Today is World Water Day. It’s a United Nations-organized, internationally-observed day to appreciate water and learn more about water issues. Single-use disposable plastic water bottles are not welcome on this day — actually on any day in our opinion, but even moreso today. We all need water We are mostly water. It accounts for 50%…

A New Silent Spring?

Is plastic a new silent spring?

Rachel Carson’s seminal book Silent Spring ignited a global environmental movement by highlighting the seemingly harmless toxins that surround us.

The parallels with her work 53 years ago and the growing global plastic pollution problem are uncanny and highly disturbing.

Does Less Plastic Mean More Happiness?

Looking at efforts and ideas ranging from the Kingdom of Bhutan to Gretchen Rubin’s Happiness Project to Pharrell Williams Raw for the Oceans, this post examines how the correlation between using less plastic and happiness is valid and important, but not always so easy to implement, and requires a broader perspective.


The Problem with BPA is a Complex One

This guest post by writer and photographer Daniela Ginta provides a solid overview of the pernicious issue of bisphenol A (BPA), including links to some of the latest opinions and research.

There is a lot of it out there in our everyday lives, and it is one to avoid as much as possible.